Subject: Re: Inexpensive hearing aids From: Thomas G Brennan <g_brennantg(at)TITAN.SFASU.EDU> Date: Thu, 25 Mar 2004 13:39:22 -0600Barbara, as an audiologist and a piano tuner I am interested in exactly how one fits hearing aids according to "piano harmonics". This is particularly true when looking at different scalings of piano strings as well as tempered vs nontempered scales etc. Since the harmonic structure of any note will be the lesser of the sounds depending upon how far you count harmonics I assume this involves blocking lower frequency sounds in the aid? I see that this looks a bit as though I am questioning if you can do what you claim but I assure you that is not my intent. I am simply wondering how fitting to piano harmonics is accomplished and how it can be of use across instruments and tempraments. Tom Tom Brennan KD5VIJ, CCC-A/SLP, R/D - AU web page