(Fwd) Re: place pitch and temporal pitch ("Ward R. Drennan" )

Subject: (Fwd) Re: place pitch and temporal pitch
From:    "Ward R. Drennan"  <wdrennan(at)MAIL.KHRI.MED.UMICH.EDU>
Date:    Fri, 19 Mar 2004 12:56:35 -0500

It seems like Dr. Braun is saying that because a 5 Khz sinusoids can not be matched to a harmonic complex, it doesn't have a pitch. Why should that necessarily be a restraint? I've heard 4KHz and 8KHz sinusoids and the 8KHz always sounds higher than the 4 KHz. It's not timbre--- because it's a different pitch. Place theories are incomplete as is a purely temporal theory. Seebeck would have loved you though. > On Friday, March 19, 2004 8:38 AM, Christian Kaernbach wrote: > > > Evidence for place pitch: A sinusoid of 5 kHz elicits undoubtedly > > a perception of pitch. There is no phase locking in mammals at > > that high frequency, and as it is a sinusoid there is no envelope, > > so this can only be place pitch. > > How can you say that a sinusoid of 5 kHz elicits a perception of > pitch? You cannot make pitch-matching experiments with harmonic > complexes as references in this range. At 5 kHz there usually is no > longer a perception of pitch chroma. This effect of "frozen chroma" > is commonly taken as sign that the pitch extractor is no longer > functional. Also, such stimuli never occur in natural sounds. > Therefore our hearing is not adapted to them. I see no reason why > the percept a sinusoid of 5 kHz can be called pitch. I suggest that > you tell your students to call the percept a percept of timbre. > > Martin > > -------------------------------- > Martin Braun > Neuroscience of Music > S-671 95 Klässbol > Sweden > web site: http://w1.570.telia.com/~u57011259/index.htm ------- End of forwarded message -------

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