Subject: 10 Years of ICAD--Nominating Papers From: Bruce Walker <bruce.walker(at)PSYCH.GATECH.EDU> Date: Mon, 8 Mar 2004 22:16:27 -0500Dear fellow member of the International Community for Auditory Display: cc: AUDITORY List (please pardon multiple copies) In celebration of the 10th International Conference on Auditory Display (ICAD), to be held in Sydney, Australia this coming July, we are assembling a special journal issue (to be announced) which will contain significant or representative papers from ICAD's ten-conference history. We would appreciate your input. Specifically, please tell us which paper(s) from each conference you believe should be included in this collection and why. The kinds of criteria we are contemplating, which are by no means the only criteria, include: Did this paper make a particularly important contribution in technique or theory? Was the experimental methodology used in this paper exceptional? Were there especially novel ideas in this work? Was this paper representative of an important research trend? Did the ideas in this paper generate a new insight that was realized in future works? Did this paper have an outsized impact on the field due to funding, patents, public notice, or other non-scientific variables? Did the auditory examples with this paper stand out for their sophistication, beauty, or elegance? As you consider each year's contributions, other criteria will likely come to mind. In your submission, please tell us not only the title and author of the paper and which ICAD it was presented at, but why you have selected it. We are not looking for votes, but for your opinions on important trends. Please feel free to recommend your own papers. Let us know you are doing so and include the rationale. Your responses will be collated and presented to the ICAD Board of Directors, which will function as a peer review committee The intention of the collection is to trace the contours of research presented at these ten ICAD's by way of exemplary works. Thus, the ultimate decision will emerge from a multi-layered but ultimately subjective process. The ultimate goal is to support our research community by providing access to these collected works, highlighting research trends, and hopefully opening doors to even more interesting, high quality auditory display research. You can locate most of the papers by going to The notable exceptions are: ICAD '92-- the papers from 1992 made up the book "Auditory Display", G. Kramer, ed. Addison Wesley, 1994; and ICAD 94. These papers are eligible for selection, but to see them you will need to refer to the Addison Wesley book or the printed proceedings for ICAD 94. Please email your suggestions to tenthicad(at) no later than April 30, 2004. Please let us know what you think. We look forward to hearing from you. Sincerely, Gregory Kramer and Bruce Walker -- Gregory Kramer, Ph.D. Clarity/Metta Foundation 310 NW Brynwood Lane Portland, OR 97229 503-292-8550 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Bruce Walker, Ph.D. bruce.walker(at) School of Psychology (404) 894-8265 (office) Georgia Institute of Technology (404) 894-8905 (fax) Atlanta, Georgia, 30332-0170 (404) 874-1618 (home) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~