The Bach Choral Dilemma (Sigurd Saue )

Subject: The Bach Choral Dilemma
From:    Sigurd Saue  <sigurd.saue(at)VOXELVISION.COM>
Date:    Thu, 30 Jan 2003 09:48:51 +0100

Dear all, Thanks a lot for all your recommendations. I should add that my wife is a lovely person that I will not share with anyone, not even Diana Deutch. It was just my inner acoustician that was annoyed by a spoiled auditory effect. My god does not really care about bass note pauses. Best regards, Sigurd Saue ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 29 Jan 2003 22:03:32 +0100 From: Leon van Noorden <leonvannoorden(at)CHELLO.BE> Subject: Re: The Bach Choral Dilemma Why does Diana describe such sad stories in which a wife obliges her guy to listen to interpretations he does not like? Why is the player not allowed to pause for each bass note? Why do you believe in one god in the era of scientific polytheism? Leon van Noorden

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