Re: high quality sound system for fMRI (Mike Ravicz )

Subject: Re: high quality sound system for fMRI
From:    Mike Ravicz  <mer(at)EPL.MEEI.HARVARD.EDU>
Date:    Thu, 21 Aug 2003 14:58:17 -0400

Marc, Please keep the list informed of your evaluation of the Resonance Technology system. My dealings with them in the past have been plagued by secretiveness about system performance and misleading and/or inflated claims, and the frequency response they claim for this new system seems unlikely. It would be beneficial to the imaging community to know if their claims now are believeable. Mike Ravicz, Eaton-Peabody Lab., Mass. Eye & Ear Inf., Boston MA 02114 USA +1 (617) 573-5591/3747; FAX +1 (617) 720-4408; mer(at) "A little knowledge is a dangerous thing;..." - somebody

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