APCAM 2003 (John Neuhoff )

Subject: APCAM 2003
From:    John Neuhoff  <jneuhoff(at)WOOSTER.EDU>
Date:    Thu, 31 Jul 2003 23:07:10 -0400

Just a quick reminder that the August 4th deadline for submitting abstracts to APCAM is fast approaching. The 2nd annual Auditory Perception, Cognition, and Action Meeting will be held Thursday November 6, 2003 in Vancouver, British Columbia in conjunction with the annual meeting of the Psychonomic Society. We are honored to announce that our keynote speaker for this year will be Al Bregman of McGill University. Complete details can be found at: http://www.wooster.edu/apcam/ ________________________________ John G. Neuhoff Department of Psychology The College of Wooster Wooster, OH 44691 Phone: 330-263-2475 Fax: 928-244-5577 http://pages.wooster.edu/jneuhoff/ ********************************* An invitation to APCAM 2003 2nd Annual Auditory Perception Cognition and Action Meeting November 6, Vancouver, B.C. http://www.wooster.edu/apcam/ *********************************

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