Subject: ICAD 2003 Early Registration Deadline From: Barbara Shinn <shinn(at)BU.EDU> Date: Wed, 14 May 2003 13:12:46 -0400Apologies if you receive multiple copies of this announcement) ****************************************** MAY 30, 2003 is the EARLY REGISTRATION DEADLINE for the 9th International Conference on Auditory Display Register now at ****************************************** ICAD 2003 Boston University, Boston, MA 7-9 July 2003 (Satellite workshop: 6 July) email: ICAD2003(at) ****************************************** FULL CONFERENCE SCHEDULE now posted online SCHEDULE HIGHLIGHTS Sunday, July 6 Workshop: Auditory Displays in Assistive Technologies Invited Talks Robert Massoff (Johns Hopkins School of Medicine) Josh Miele (UC Berkeley and Smith-Kettlewell Eye Research Institute) Jack Loomis (UC Santa Barbara) Contributed Talks Panel Discussion Reception sponsored by Tucker-Davis Technologies Monday, July 7 Invited Talks Gregory Wakefield (U Michigan) Tecumseh Fitch (Institute for Advanced Study, Berlin, Germany) Contributed Talks and Posters Local Excursion: Duck Tour of Boston Tuesday, July 8 Invited Talk Stephen Barrass (CSIRO, Canberra, Australia) Contributed Talks Panel Discussion: Science vs. Art in Auditory Display Moderator: Greg Wakefield (U Michigan) Panelists: Perry Cook (Princeton) Eric Somers (SUNY Dutchess) Barry Vercoe (MIT) Todd Winkler (Brown) Cocktails and Conference Banquet Dinner speaker: Bob Berkovitz (Sensimetrics Corp., Somerville, MA) Wednesday, July 9 Invited Talk Beverly Wright (Northwestern) Contributed Talks MIT Media Lab Excursion wine and cheese reception demonstrations and talks by MIT Media Lab researchers Attendees may register for ICAD, the workshop, or both ICAD is the premier forum for presenting research on the use of sound to display information. ICAD is unique in both its breadth (encompassing all aspects of how sound and audio can be used to enhance user interfaces, display data, or monitor systems) and depth (its singular focus on audio). ICAD 2003, like its predecessors, will be a single-track conference. We invite psychoacousticians, musicians, engineers, computer scientists, designers, and anyone else investigating any aspect of auditory display (including technologies and algorithms, auditory perception and human factors, applications, and more) to come and participate in an intense, exciting, interdisciplinary discussion. ------------------------------------------------------------ Prof. Barbara Shinn-Cunningham General Chair ICAD 2003 office: 617-353-5764 lab: 617-353-8693 fax: 617-353-7755 web: