Subject: ISMIR 2003 CFP - REMINDER From: Dan Ellis <dpwe(at)EE.COLUMBIA.EDU> Date: Tue, 15 Apr 2003 11:40:23 -0400------- Forwarded Message Date: Tue, 15 Apr 2003 10:54:16 -0400 From: "Susan Emilie Manus" <sman(at)> Subject: ISMIR 2003 CFP - REMINDER A reminder that the deadline for submitting papers is April 25th. For updated submission information, please see "New Information" below under both papers and posters. All current information is also available on the ISMIR 2003 web site. ***************************************************** [This CFP is crossposted to several mailing lists and newsgroups. Apologies for multiple reception] ISMIR 2003 - 4th International Conference on Music Information Retrieval October 26-30, 2003 Library of Congress, Washington, D.C., USA and Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland, USA Call for Papers, Posters, Tutorials, Panels and Exhibits ======================================================== The annual ISMIR Conference is the first established international forum for those involved in work on accessing digital musical materials. It reflects the tremendous growth of music-related data available either locally or remotely through networks and the consequent need to search this content and retrieve music and musical information efficiently and effectively. This area presents vast challenges for those who need to organize and structure musical data, provide tools to search and retrieve, and use these tools efficiently. Music representation needs to be multi- dimensional and time-dependent; audio data is voluminous, requiring particular care in storage and transmission while preserving quality; the need for descriptive information about what is musically significant addresses a large spectrum of internal and external characteristics, from acoustic to musicological and cultural features; intellectual property rights issues (about what can be made available to whom and how) are complex, involve a variety of individuals and organizations, and vary from country to country. All of these concerns are of interest to education, academia, entertainment and industry. This conference thus aims at providing a place for the exchange of news, issues and results, by bringing together researchers and developers, educators and librarians, students and professional users, working in fields that contribute significantly to this multidisciplinary domain, to present original theoretical or practical work in peer-reviewed contributions (papers, posters). It will also serve as a discussion forum (panels), provide introductory and in-depth information in specific domains (tutorials), and show current products (exhibits). Detailed information about the conference and its organization is available on its Web site ( Domains and Topics of Interest ============================== ISMIR 2003 solicits original contributions in the following domains, as they apply to music information retrieval(this is a non-exclusive list): * Algorithms and methods for classification, clustering, probabilistic modelling, association analysis * Artificial intelligence and Machine Learning * Databases and data mining * Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) and systems design * Intellectual property rights issues * Knowledge representation, discovery and acquisition * Music perception and cognition * Music representation and formal models of music * Soft computing (neural networks, fuzzy systems, evolutionary computation) Typical topics of interest, inasmuch as they relate to music information retrieval, are: * Automatic summarization, citing, excerpting, downgrading, transformation (including associated intellectual property issues) * Business models and experience * Formal models of music and their digital representations * Intellectual property rights issues (nationally and internationally), digital rights management, identification and traceability * Music digital libraries and archives, content management systems and frameworks for music * Music indexing and metadata (authoring and generation) * Music recognition (printed, audio) * Music representation, coding, language modelling * Music similarity metrics (perceptual criteria such as pitch, rhythm, timbre; musical criteria such as form, genre, etc.) * Musical styles and genres * Query languages for music IR (expressiveness, complexity) * Real-time applications of automated music identification and recognition, such as score following, automatic accompaniment * Routing and filtering for music and music queries * Semantic Web and musical digital objects: intelligent agents, ontologies, topic maps, metadata, indexation, markup languages * Socio-cultural aspects * Standards (RDF, XML, INDECS, MPEG, Dublin Core, *MARC, Z39.50...) and other metadata or protocols for music information handling and retrieval (CDDB, ...) * Systems issues (performance, compression, scalability, databases, architecture, distributed search, multi-agent systems, mobile applications) * User interfaces and usability * Validation (user needs and expectations, evaluation of music IR systems, building test collections, experimental design and metrics) General information on the conference is available on its Web site ( and will be regularly posted in the music-ir mailing list (information on subscription available on the conference site). Paper Submissions ================= * Paper submissions are not to exceed 8 pages (including references and appendices) and must be formatted according to the following guidelines: page size: "US letter", font size: 10pt or larger, single column layout, all page margins at least 2.5cm (or 1 inch). * Papers should include a 150-200 words abstract and a list of 2-5 keywords related to their content. * Submission must consist of original contributions (not previously published, and not currently being considered for publication elsewhere). * NEW INFORMATION: To submit, send your paper as an uncompressed PDF file (strongly preferred) or MS Word to the web-based paper submission system, accessible at the following URL: To use the form, authors must register and obtain a password. Once an account is created, papers and posters may then be submitted. Revisions are accepted until the deadline. * Submissions must be received by April 25, 2003. * Authors will be notified about the acceptance of their submissions by June 27, 2003. * Accepted papers will be allocated up to 8 pages in the ISMIR 2003 proceedings and 25min presentation time at the ISMIR 2003 conference. * Authors of accepted papers will be asked to provide camera-ready copies of their papers that are formatted according to a template that will be made available to them with the notification of acceptance. * For each accepted paper, at least one author has to register for the ISMIR 2003 conference. Posters ======= Posters provide an excellent opportunity for presenting preliminary or intermediate results or work that is primarily targeted towards a small subset of the ISMIR community. * Submission should consist of an extended abstract of 750-1,000 words (2 pages maximum, including a list of 2-5 keywords related to their content and references). * Extended abstracts must be formatted according to the following guidelines: page size: "US letter", font size: 10pt or larger, single column layout, all page margins at least 2.5cm (or 1 inch). * NEW INFORMATION: To submit, send your paper or poster as an uncompressed PDF file (strongly preferred) or MS Word to the web-based paper submission system, accessible at the following URL: To use the form, authors must register and obtain a password. Once an account is created, papers and posters may then be submitted. Revisions are accepted until the deadline. * Submissions must be received by April 25, 2003. * Authors will be notified about the acceptance of their submissions by June 27, 2003. * Accepted posters will be presented at a plenary poster session during the ISMIR 2003 conference; authors will be informed about the space available for each poster with their notification of acceptance. * Authors are encouraged to bring laptop computers to supplement their poster presentations with system demonstrations; we hope to provide wireless internet access for the poster session. * Accepted posters will also be allocated up to 2 pages for the extended abstract in the ISMIR 2003 proceedings; authors will be asked to provide camera-ready copies of their extended abstracts that are formatted according to a template that will be made available to them with the notification of acceptance. * For each accepted poster, at least one author has to register for the ISMIR 2003 conference. Tutorials ========= The first afternoon of the conference (Oct 26, 2003) will consist of a parallel session of tutorials each concentrating on a single topic presented either at an introductory level or in depth, lasting 3 hours (plus a break). * Submissions should consist of a 3-5 page abstract including: 1. Intended audience and objectives of the tutorial 2. Tutorial outline 3. Overview of materials made available to the attendees 4. Biography of the presenter(s) * Submissions must be received by March 7, 2003. * To submit, send your tutorial proposal via email to ismir2003-tutorials(at) Panels ====== A roster of special panels is planned. These panels are meant to foster discussion on a specific topic of interest to the community, as well as real-world implementations and experience reports. * Submissions should consist of a 1-2 page abstract including: 1. The topic and issues to be discussed. 2. The intended and expected audience. 3. Biography of the moderator(s). * Submissions must be received by March 7, 2003. * To submit, send your panel proposal via email to ismir2003-panels(at) Exhibits ======== Throughout ISMIR 2003, space will be available for publishers, booksellers, software merchants, service providers, systems vendors and any other companies interested in exhibiting their products. * Deadline for full applications is September 30, 2003. * Interested exhibitors should request information and/or apply via email to ismir2003-exhibits(at) ------- End of Forwarded Message