unpleasant sounds (Christian Kaernbach )

Subject: unpleasant sounds
From:    Christian Kaernbach  <Christian(at)KAERNBACH.DE>
Date:    Mon, 31 Mar 2003 11:02:24 +0200

Dear List, I am interested in psychophysiological responses to unpleasant sounds. In 2001 we had a discussion on this list on finger nails scraping on a blackboard. (Were there other threads of relevance to "unpleasant sounds"?) My present question is: Have there ever been studied the psychophysiological effects of these sounds, be it peripheral (from hear beat rate to startle reflex) or central (fMRI or the like)? Would you guess that the effects elicited by such sounds are the same or different from other "emotion inducing techniques", such as the "International Affective Picture System"? >From the previous thread I have compiled the following reference list: Vitz (1973). Preference for tones as a function of frequency and intensity. P&P, 11, 84-88 Halpern, Blake & Hillenbrand (1986). Psychoacoustics of a chilling sound. P&P, 39, 77-80. Todd (2001). Evidence for a behavioral significance of saccular acoustic sensitivity in humans JASA 110(1), 380-390. I would be grateful for any hint, be it directly to the question of the psychophysiological effects of such sounds, or to more papers trying to get at the physical properties of unpleasant sounds. Best regards, Christian -- PD Dr. Christian Kaernbach Institut fuer Allgemeine Psychologie Universitaet Leipzig

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