Re: Paired Comparisons (ZL Handley )

Subject: Re: Paired Comparisons
From:    ZL Handley  <zoe.handley(at)>
Date:    Tue, 18 Mar 2003 14:45:42 -0000
X-Scanner:exiscan for exim4 (

Hi I am currently evaluating the use of speech synthesis for computer- assisted language learning. I want to do some percetual tests using the paired comparison technique. I understand the basic technique but have not found any information on how to analyse the results of such tests. I was wondering whether anyone could point me to an article or text book that would explain how to do this. Thanks Zoe Handley ---------------------------------------------------------- PhD by research (subject: Evaluation of speech synthesis for computer assisted langauge learning) Centre for Computational Linguistics - MB/C25c UMIST PO Box 88 Manchester M60 1QD UK zoe.handley(at)

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