Announcing a Matlab version of the Auditory Image Model (AIM) (Roy Patterson )

Subject: Announcing a Matlab version of the Auditory Image Model (AIM)
From:    Roy Patterson  <roy.patterson(at)MRC-CBU.CAM.AC.UK>
Date:    Mon, 17 Mar 2003 17:43:22 +0000

Announcing a Matlab version of the Auditory Image Model (AIM) Some time ago, we developed a time-domain model of auditory processing to simulate the auditory images we hear when presented with complex sounds like music, speech, bird songs, engines, etc*. In this model, an auditory filterbank is used to perform a spectral analysis of a sound wave and convert into a simulation of the basilar membrane motion (BMM) that the sound would produce in the cochlea. Then a bank of haircell simulators is used to convert the BMM into a simulation of the Neural Activity Pattern (NAP) that the sound would produce at the level of the auditory nerve or cochlear nucleus. And finally, a form of Strobed Temporal Integration is applied to each channel of the NAP to stabilize any repeating patterns in the NAP and convert it into a simulation of our auditory image of the sound. The original version of AIM (aim1992) was written in C and limited to Unix operating systems. There was also a version, referred to as aim2000, for the DSAM/AMS platform of O'Mard and Meddis. It was also written in C but it is available for Windows and Linux as well as Unix systems. Now we have produced a Matlab version of AIM (aim2003) to provide a flexible development platform for auditory modelers and to take advantage of the display options in Matlab. It is referred to as aim-mat and the code can be downloaded from the CNBH web site. * Introductions to the auditory image model are presented in: Patterson, R.D., Robinson, K., Holdsworth, J., McKeown, D., Zhang, C. and Allerhand M. (1992) 'Complex sounds and auditory images', In: Auditory physiology and perception, Proceedings of the 9h International Symposium on Hearing, Y Cazals, L. Demany, K. Horner (eds), Pergamon, Oxford, 429-446. Roy D. Patterson, Mike H. Allerhand and Christian Giguere (1995). Time-domain modelling of peripheral auditory processing: A modular architecture and a software platform, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. vol 98, 1890-1894. Patterson, R.D. (2000). "Auditory images: How complex sounds are represented in the auditory system," J. Acoust. Soc. Japan(E) 21 (4), 183-190. * ** *** * ** *** * ** *** * ** *** * ** *** * ** *** * ** *** * ** *** Roy D. Patterson Centre for the Neural Basis of Hearing Physiology Department, University of Cambridge Downing Street, Cambridge, CB2 3EG phone 44 (1223) 333819 office phone 44 (1223) 333837 lab fax 44 (1223) 333840 department email rdp1(at) or email roy.patterson(at)

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