Subject: Re: Limit of phase-locking From: Annemarie Seither-Preisler <preisler(at)> Date: Tue, 4 Mar 2003 16:19:36 +0100No. As the latency-dependence of the N1-component has only reported for spectrally unresolved complex tones, the result of Ragot and Crottaz has to be interpreted in terms of cochler interference patterns, having a periodicity corresponding to the frequency difference between adjacent harmonics (e.g: harmonics with 800, 900, 1000 Hz: periodicity of 100 Hz). Hence, it is not necessary for the auditory nerve to phase lock to the high spectral components but just to signal envelope, having a much lower periodicity. Therefore, this experiment does not provide any measure of the upper limit of neural phase-locking in humans. Chen-gia TSAI wrote: > Ragot & Crottaz (1998) reported that the N1 brain electrophysiological response can be influenced by the phase of the harmonics, even when these harmonics are in high frequencies (3900-5400 Hz). Does this finding suggest that temporal information is preserved for frequencies above 4 kHz? > I am looking for recent evidences on the limit of phase-locking. Many thanks for any help! > > Ragot R. & Crottaz S. (1998) A dual mechanism for sound pitch perception: new evidence from brain electrophysiology. NeuroReport, 9, 3123-3127. > > Chen-Gia Tsai > gia(at) -- Dr. Annemarie Seither-Preisler Institut für Experimentelle Audiologie, Biomagnetismuszentrum Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster Kardinal von Galen Ring 10 D-48129 Münster Tel.: 0049 / 251 / 83 / 56817 Fax: 0049 / 251 / 83 / 56882 Email: preisler(at) Personal Homepage: Department Homepage: