Subject: specific and total loudness calculation From: Marc Schoenwiesner <marcs(at)RZ.UNI-LEIPZIG.DE> Date: Wed, 11 Dec 2002 18:34:34 +0100Dear List, I have tried to implement a total loudness calculation (according to Moore & Glasberg, 96) with the HUTear auditory modeling toolbox for Matlab. Loudness calculation is not yet implemented in this otherwise extremely useful package and Aki Harma (the father of the toolbox) told me that this would not be done in the near future. Please find the matlab script "calcTotalLoudness.m" at In order to execute it you will need to download the HUTear toolbox (if you haven't done so already - get it at and place the script somewhere into the HUTear path. I would be very thankful if somebody with a stronger auditory modeling and computational background and experience with HUTear could look into the file, it badly needs improvement! The script calculates the excitation pattern of a user-defined signal with a specified auditory model. The excitation pattern is then transformed into specific loudness according to Moore & Glasberg, and the specific loudness is integrated to yield total loudness. I have fitted the parameters of the excitation-to-specific-loudness transformation manually to approximately conform to the sone scale definition. This is one of the point that could be improved upon. I figure that someone with experience in numerical optimization could easily get a better fit. I also think that it would need an very experienced programmer to get the inplementation more messed up. Any help gratefully received, Marc Schoenwiesner