Postdoctoral position: fMRI imaging of auditory cortex ("David L. Woods" )

Subject: Postdoctoral position: fMRI imaging of auditory cortex
From:    "David L. Woods"  <dlwoods(at)UCDAVIS.EDU>
Date:    Wed, 30 Oct 2002 08:36:01 -0800

POSTDOCTORAL POSITION: NEUROIMAGING OF HUMAN AUDITORY CORTEX A postdoctoral position investigating the functional organization of human auditory cortex is available in the Human Cognitive Neurophysiology Laboratory of the VA-Northern California Health Care System (VANCHCS) in Martinez, CA about 25 mi. from Berkeley. The laboratory is affiliated with UC Davis and UC Berkeley. The research involves the combined use of structural and functional MR measures to define auditory cortical fields maps. Field activations are imaged in a variety of perceptual and selective-attention paradigms and examined on flattened and normalized maps of the auditory cortical surface. Research opportunities are also available using ERPs and/or fMRI to investigate patient populations with focal cortical lesions. Position duration: 2-5 yrs. Salary: $35,000-$55,000 depending on experience. QUALIFICATIONS. Successful candidates will have a strong background in auditory perception, physiology and/or anatomy (PhD or MD required), a good publication record, familiarity with Windows and Linux operating systems, and some programming experience. Knowledge of neuroanatomy, psychophysics, and neuroimaging methods including ERPs, fMRI, or TMS is desirable. Interested candidates should email a C.V., representative publications, and the names of three references to: Professor David L. Woods, Dept. of Neurology, UC Davis and VANCHCS (127E), 150 Muir Rd., Martinez CA 94553. Email: dlwoods(at) David L. Woods, Professor of Neurology, Dept. of Neurology,UC Davis, Chief, Clinical Neurophysiology and Chief, Research fMRI imaging, Neurology Service (127E), VA-NCHCS, 150 Muir Rd., Martinez, CA 94553 Tel (925) 372-2571, Fax (925) 229-2315 Email:dlwoods(at) Publications:

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