Subject: Re: AUDITORY Digest - 21 Oct 2002 to 22 Oct 2002 (#2002-178) From: Douglas Creelman <creelman(at)PSYCH.UTORONTO.CA> Date: Thu, 24 Oct 2002 15:28:22 -0400I suspect the data you are looking for can be foundi in, and appropriate references dug out of, George Miller's *Language and Communication*. Published most likely in 1954, by Wiley. You might also try some of James Egan's publications from the same era. Doug Creelman Automatic digest processor wrote: >There is one message totalling 38 lines in this issue. > >Topics of the day: > > 1. consonant and vowel probability ratio vs SNR > >---------------------------------------------------------------------- > >Date: Tue, 22 Oct 2002 12:38:21 -0400 >From: Jont Allen <jba(at)AUDITORYMODELS.ORG> >Subject: consonant and vowel probability ratio vs SNR > >Dear Auditory List (and others), > >I am looking for some data that would help me pin down the ratio of >the probability correct Pc of vowels (V) to consonants (C), as a >function of the >signal to noise ratio (snr), hopefully for nonsense syllables. In >Fletcher's 1953 >book he defines a quantity called lambda=Pc(V)/Pc(C) (page 283), >which is exactly what I am looking for. While he published some detailed >information on Pc(various phonemes,snr) in Chapter 18, lambda would need >to be >computed, and some assumptions might be necessary. > >Does anyone have the data, or can anyone point me a place where such data >is published? This seems like a pretty basic experimental result. > >Thanks in advance. > >Jont > >-- >Jont B. Allen, jba(at); 908/654-1274voice; 908/789-9575 fax >382 Forest Hill Way >Mountainside NJ 07092 > > >``A paradox is simply an error out of control'' > --E.T. Jaynes, Chapter 15 of > >------------------------------ > >End of AUDITORY Digest - 21 Oct 2002 to 22 Oct 2002 (#2002-178) >*************************************************************** > > > -- C. Douglas Creelman creelman(at) 9 Fernwood Park Ave. 416-690-9407 Toronto, ON M4E 3E8 Canada