Subject: PhD Studentship From: Richard J Baker <richard.baker(at)MAN.AC.UK> Date: Tue, 1 Oct 2002 17:41:58 +0100University of Manchester Human Communication and Deafness Group (HCD) PhD STUDENTSHIP: measures of auditory function The Human Communication and Deafness Group, University of Manchester, seeks to recruit a high calibre graduate for a PhD studentship funded by the RNID. Applicants should have a good first degree (first class or upper second class) in a suitable subject area, and be interested in pursuing a research career in audiology and hearing science. Applications from those with a background in physiology, psychology, biological sciences, audiology, or related fields would be particularly welcomed, as would applicants with a clinical background and with evidence of research interest and potential. The student will carry out a supervised plan of research into the relationships between elctrophysiological and psychacoustic measures of auditory function with human subjects; the research is likely to have both fundamental and clinically applicable elements, and will be under the supervision of Dr David Parker and Dr Richard Baker. Funding is for three years fulltime. A stipend of £14,200 per annum is attached to the studentship, with allowances for travel to conferences and other training needs. The student will attend research-related taught modules as part of a structured and supervised research training programme. Application by letter to Dr Richard Baker, Human Communication and Deafness Group, University of Manchester Manchester M13 9PL, including cv and the names and addresses of two academic referees. Informal enquiries to richard.baker(at) Closing date for receipt of applications: October 31st 2002. The successful candidate will take up the studentship as soon as possible thereafter, but at the latest by 31 March 2002. For further information about the Group see