Temporal integration for tones of different spectral bandwidth (Annemarie Seither-Preisler )

Subject: Temporal integration for tones of different spectral bandwidth
From:    Annemarie Seither-Preisler  <preisler(at)uni-muenster.de>
Date:    Tue, 1 Oct 2002 13:02:23 +0100

Dear List, can anyone recommend literature on the influence of nonlinear compression on the integration time, relevant for loudness perception ? I am especially interested in the comparison of stimuli with different spectral bandwidth (pure vs. complex tones) at a given, constant sensation level. Are there any studies that indicate a relatively longer integration time for a pure tone due to enhanced compression in the stimulated frequency channel (almost all energy concentrated on one channel) ? Many thanks in advance, Annemarie -- Dr. Annemarie Seither-Preisler Institut für Experimentelle Audiologie, Biomagnetismuszentrum Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster Kardinal von Galen Ring 10 D-48129 Münster Tel.: 0049 / 251 / 83 / 56817 Fax: 0049 / 251 / 83 / 56882 Email: preisler(at)uni-muenster.de Personal Homepage: http://biomag.uni-muenster.de/~anne/ Department Homepage: http://biomag.uni-muenster.de/ExpAud/index_e.html

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