ICAD 2002 Japan Second Call for Papers (Rodney Berry )

Subject: ICAD 2002 Japan Second Call for Papers
From:    Rodney Berry  <rodney(at)atr.co.jp>
Date:    Wed, 16 Jan 2002 11:07:54 +0900

This is a multi-part message in MIME format. --------------34307EA2C8AEF38A01C76A36 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-2022-jp Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit -- Rodney Berry ATR Media Information Science Laboratories 2-2-2 Hikaridai, Seika-cho, Soraku-gun, Kyoto 619-0288 Japan email: rodney(at)atr.co.jp Phone: +81-774-95-1401 Fax: +81-774-95-1408 http://www.mic.atr.co.jp/~rodney --------------34307EA2C8AEF38A01C76A36 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-2022-jp; name="cfp.txt" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Content-Disposition: inline; filename="cfp.txt" ICAD2002 SECOND CALL FOR PAPERS (REVISED) The 8th International Conference on Auditory Display Advanced Telecommunication Research Institute, Kyoto, Japan 2nd - 5th of July 2002 http://www.mic.atr.co.jp/icad2002 icad2002(at)mic.atr.co.jp Please note: Extended Deadline for papers! 8th Feb. ICAD 2002 will be held from the 2nd - 5th of July 2002 at Advanced Telecommunication Research Institute, Japan. ICAD is a forum for presenting research on the use of sound to display data, monitor systems, and provide enhanced user interfaces for computers and virtual reality systems. It is unique in its singular focus on auditory displays, and the array of perception, technology, design and application areas that these encompass. Like its predecessors, ICAD 2002 will be a single-track conference. Attendance is open to all, with no membership or affiliation requirements. PAPER/POSTER PRESENTATIONS There are two categories for papers: long papers of 10 pages and 30 minutes presentation time, and short papers of 6 pages and 20 minutes. Accepted posters will have 6 pages in the proceedings. Submissions should consist of a 2-3 pages extended abstract for short papers and posters and a 4-5 pages extended abstract for long papers. Since audio demonstrations are an essential part of ICAD, the abstract should include a description of the prospective audio demonstrations. The templates for submissions are available at http://www.mic.atr.co.jp/icad2002/page/templates.html Papers are sought covering all aspects of auditory display. Work in progress papers are also acceptable. Example topics include, but are not limited to: * sonification * 3D/immersive sound * perceptual aspects of 3D sound * psychoacoustics and perception * auditory displays in games and entertainment * auditory displays in PDA's, wearable computing and embedded systems * sound synthesis and digital signal processing * audio in assistive technologies * auditory icons and earcons * aesthetics of sonification and 'musification' * auditory display and art The papers from this conference will be published in the proceedings and CD-ROM. The CD-ROM will include also sound examples. The conference organization will also reserve the right to publish the papers online although copyright will be retained by the author. All accepted papers must be presented by an author at the conference. If none of the authors of an accepted paper has registered to the conference, the paper may not be published in the proceedings nor the CD-ROM. **Some researchers, particularly in Australia, have requested that we also accept full papers to review as it increases their funding options for travel support from their universities or organisations. For those in this situation, full papers can be accepted and peer reviewed along with the abstracts .The print proceedings will have an ISBN number. SPECIAL SESSIONS "Optimal Encoding of Information for a Human Listener" http://www.u-aizu.ac.jp/~wlm/workshops/ICAD2002/OEIHL_cfp.html "Virtual Acoustic Rendering Technology" http://www.u-aizu.ac.jp/~wlm/workshops/ICAD2002/VAR_cfp.html "Subjective Evaluation of Spatial Sound Reproduction" http://www.u-aizu.ac.jp/~wlm/workshops/ICAD2002/SESSP_cfp.html **If you wish to submit papers under the above special topics, please indicate when you mail us the abstract. DEMONSTRATIONS Demo submissions will be evaluated on the basis of their innovation, relevance, scientific contribution, and potential logistic constraints. Commercial products are eligible, but sales and marketing activities are not appropriate. (NOTE: Please be prepared to provide your own equipment/computers for your demonstration, if you need special facilities. We can provide some standard equipment.) SATELLITE WORKSHOPS **Two workshops will be held, each with its own call for papers, please follow the links for more information. Renkon: Workshop on Performance Rendering Systems: Today and Tomorrow, July 6, 2002. at ATR. http://media.sys.wakayama-u.ac.jp/~katayose/icad_rencon.html CREST workshop on Computational Models in auditory Processing 8-9July 2002 at ATR. http://media.sys.wakayama-u.ac.jp/CREST2002/ ART WORKS AND MUSIC It is our wish to be able to include some art and music related presentations this year. Depending on availability of space and other resources, a small number of sound installations and performances should be possible. IMPORTANT DATES Please note: Extended Deadline for papers! 8th Feb. Extended abstract submission received by: (Was: 18th of January 2002) Now: 8th February Demo proposal received by: 8th of February 2002 Notification of review decisions: (Was: 8th of March 2002) Now: 22nd March Camera-ready copy received by: Was: 10th of May 2002 Now: 24th of May ICAD 2002 Conference 2nd - 5th of July 2002 Please send your abstracts to icad2002(at)mic.atr.co.jp Submissions will be thoroughly reviewed by an international committee. Registration information will be available later on the conference web pages and in the call for participation. OPEN MIC SESSIONS In the tradition of previous ICAD's, ICAD 2002 will also include at least one open mic session for impromptu presentations on work in progress, insights to share etc. Presentation time-limits will be enforced using assorted portable sonification devices (feel free to bring your own along). ORGANIZING COMMITTEE General Chair: Ryohei Nakatsu (ATR) Nakatsu(at)mic.atr.co.jp Technical Program Chair: Prof. Hideki Kawahara (Wakayama University/ATR) kawahara(at)sys.wakayama-u.ac.jp Local Arrangement Chair: Prof. Haruhiro Katayose (Wakayama University/ATR) katayose(at)sys.wakayama-u.ac.jp Local Arrangement Vice Chair: Ms. Sanae Wake (Osaka University) wake(at)inolab.sys.es.osaka-u.ac.jp Workshop and special session chair: William L Martens wlm(at)u-aizu.ac.jp Publication Chair: Prof. Kazushi Nishimoto (JAIST/ATR/PRESTO, JST) knishi(at)acm.org Demo and Exhibition Chair: Dr. Naotoshi Osaka (NTT CS Labs./ATR) osaka(at)brl.ntt.co.jp Secretariat and Demo and Exhibition Co-Chair: Mr. Rodney Berry (ATR) rodney(at)mic.atr.co.jp Correspondence should be addressed to: ICAD2002 Secretariat, ATR Media Integration and Communications Laboratories, 2-2-2 Hikaridai, Seika-cho, Kyoto 619-0288, JAPAN Phone: +81-774-95-1449 Fax: +81-774-95-1408 icad2002(at)mic.atr.co.jp --------------34307EA2C8AEF38A01C76A36--

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