Re: Pitch orientation-discriminating feature detectors? (FATIMA HUSAIN )

Subject: Re: Pitch orientation-discriminating feature detectors?
From:    FATIMA HUSAIN  <fthusain(at)HELIX.NIH.GOV>
Date:    Thu, 19 Sep 2002 15:41:59 -0400

There is a recent article in ARLO (Acoustics Research Letters Online) by Michael Gordon and david Poeppel titled "Inequality in identification of direction of frequency change (up vs. down) for rapid frequency modulated sweeps". This is a behavioral study. You can go to and search on Gordon and Poeppel. The URL is just too long to copy paste. Copying the abstract here -- The abilities of human subjects to identify direction (up vs. down) of frequency modulation (FM) of individual tone sweeps at various rates of FM are examined, in particular, how fast FM sweeps can be without impairing a subject's ability to accurately identify them as upward or downward. This ability may be relevant to the auditory encoding of rapid formant transitions, important perceptual cues in speech sounds. In a single-trial 2AFC task, subjects identified randomly presented FM sweeps by pressing one of two labeled keys (up or down). Subjects were significantly better at identifying upward sweeps than downward ones at rapid FM rates (6.2 oct./sec.25.0 oct/sec., parameterized as stimulus duration at constant bandwidth). 2001 Acoustical Society of America. --fatima Fatima T. Husain, Ph.D. NIDCD/NIH > >Dear list, > > > >Do we happen to know of anything indicating the existence of > >pitch-orientation selective cells in any species, eg cell-assemblies > >responding specifically to, say, upward moving pitch, rather than > >downward movement? > > > >A further question: do we happen to know whether pitch difference > >sensitivity responds to orientation of movement? > > > >Many thanks for any pointers. > > > >-- eliot > > > >--- > >Eliot Handelman PhD > >Montreal, Canada >

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