Subject: Re: [Cochlea] Re: AUDITORY Digest - 1 Aug 2002 to 4 Aug 2002 From: Jont Allen <jba(at)> Date: Tue, 6 Aug 2002 23:50:27 +0200Dear List, I should have added, that Wegel was able to totally suppress his tinnitus, along with the tone he inserted into his canal, giving a most amazing, almost unbelievable, result. You must read it to believe it. Jont Jont Allen wrote: > The engineer, and everyone else, should read a very famous paper by > Wegel (of bell labs fame), that deals exactly with these issues. Wegel > published the first hearing thresholds with Harvey Fletcher, and worked > for T. A. Edison, it is said. > > (at)article{Wegel31 > ,author={Wegel, R.L.} > ,title={Study of tinnitus} > ,journal="Archives Otolaryngology" > ,year=1931 > ,month=aug > ,volume=14 > ,pages={158-165} } > > Jont Allen > > Automatic digest processor wrote: > >> There are 2 messages totalling 76 lines in this issue. >> >> Topics of the day: >> >> 1. Objective tinnitus due to high-level SOAE (2) >> >> ---------------------------------------------------------------------- >> >> Date: Sun, 4 Aug 2002 12:27:26 +0200 >> From: Martin Braun <nombraun(at)POST.NETLINK.SE> >> Subject: Objective tinnitus due to high-level SOAE >> >> A question on otoacoustic emissions and tinnitus: >> >> A 31-year-old electrical engineer wrote to me and asked for help. One >> year >> ago he had a sudden hearing loss in his right ear. Hearing was back to >> normal after four weeks, but during this recovery period he had >> developed a >> strong tonal tinnitus in this ear. He was able to compare the pitch >> of this >> tone with an adjustable tone from a tone generator. The ear's tone >> turned >> out to be a sinetone of 1042 Hz. >> >> Later he was also able to hear the tone by his left ear when he >> connected >> both ears via a thin tube. After that he also recorded the tone by a >> microphone in the ear canal of his right ear. Finally a high-level >> spontaneous otoacoustic emission (SOAE) at 1042 Hz was established >> audiologically. The level was given as +22 dB, but I am not sure how >> reliable this figure is. He wrote that where he lives even the best >> clinic >> never had a similar case and does not know how to help him. >> >> The problem is that in recent months he had the impression that the >> tone had >> become louder and louder. It is unkown if there has been an objective >> increase in SOAE level, but he perceives the tone as being much >> louder now. >> He has come to a point of desperation now, and he would accept even >> destructive surgical measures just to get rid of this tone. >> >> Question: >> It is known that SOAEs can be suppressed by outside sinetones applied >> to the >> ear. What is the experience with suppressing high-level SOAEs? Is it >> possible? If yes, how is it done best, and which equipment would this >> patient need? >> >> Martin >> >> ------------------------------------------- >> Martin Braun >> Neuroscience of Music >> S-671 95 Klässbol >> Sweden >> e-mail: nombraun(at) >> web site: >> >> ------------------------------ >> >> Date: Sun, 4 Aug 2002 05:45:15 -0500 >> From: Thomas G Brennan <g_brennantg(at)TITAN.SFASU.EDU> >> Subject: Re: Objective tinnitus due to high-level SOAE >> >> Martin, this will require a specializing audiologist. The first >> thing which >> will need to be done is that variable tone generation equipment will be >> necessary to see if masking can help in this situation. Being able >> to alter >> signal phase may also be useful. Generally, single tinal tinnitus >> does better >> with a masker. If it can be determined that masking can indeed help >> this >> gentleman, a tinnitus masker can be used. MMM, Starkey, and several >> other >> companies make these. However, you cannot generally return them >> after purchase >> so it is important to determin usefulness before the fact. Another >> issue is >> that the frequency of the tone may change with time and there may >> eventually be >> more than a single tone. This largely depends upon the cause of the >> problem. >> If I was just to guess, I might suspect something viral in a case >> like this as >> an initial start. >> >> Tom >> >> >> Tom Brennan, CCC-A/SLP, RHD >> web page >> >> ------------------------------ >> >> End of AUDITORY Digest - 1 Aug 2002 to 4 Aug 2002 (#2002-120) >> ************************************************************* >> > -- Jont B. Allen, jba(at); 908/654-1274voice; 908/789-9575 fax 382 Forest Hill Way Mountainside NJ 07092 ``It is hard to abandon the feeling that the unfamiliar is absurd and illogical.'' --G.A. Miller, p. 5 of his book `Language and communication'