Re: maximum tatum (one tatum, two tata) ("Mikael.Fernstrom" )

Subject: Re: maximum tatum (one tatum, two tata)
From:    "Mikael.Fernstrom"  <Mikael.Fernstrom(at)UL.IE>
Date:    Wed, 10 Apr 2002 13:15:04 +0100

I find this discussion highly interesting and I would like to add some personal observations, in relation to Rebecca's and Pierre's comments. About Morse: I spent a year in the army (28 years ago...) doing a lot of Morse code work and eventually I came out as the fastest and most accurate "receiver". In numbers this meant 160 wpm (which with Rebecca's estimation is up to 2560 bpm). In this particular case, listening to Morse had become an automatic behaviour and I can assure you that you hear words rather than individual characters at that speed. Testing max speed was, of course, done in highly controlled environments and if measured in realistic combat settings, it would be much lower, around 80 wpm. About playing the piano like Jerry Lee Lewis :-) Two observations: 1. As a part-time jazz/rock pianist, I sometimes do JLL stuff. Currently two keys on my MIDI gear are electrically but not mechanically defect and it is really annoying to hear two notes missing when sliding along the keys. 2. In a recent experiment while working on mapping free gesture devices (Polhemus Fastrak) to sound models, we mapped one coordinate axis in space to a full semi-note arpeggio over 127 notes. Some of our postgrads did hear if there were notes missing (due to errors in the gesture algorithm) while others did not hear this at full speed. The approximate full-speed rate of notes was 127 notes in 0.5 seconds = 254 notes per second. Nobody could identify what note was missing, just that something was wrong. /Mikael

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