Re: New Scientist question and Pitch and pressure effects (Thomas G Brennan )

Subject: Re: New Scientist question and Pitch and pressure effects
From:    Thomas G Brennan  <g_brennantg(at)TITAN.SFASU.EDU>
Date:    Thu, 22 Nov 2001 12:34:54 -0600

This is an interesting set of comments. I've noticed working with a clinical population over the years that with a type B tympanogram the pitch change clients report during tympanometry tends not to exist but is always present with a type A. I have not collected much specific data on this but I always suspect a C or B if the client does not report a putch shift using a 220Hz tone at 85 dB when asked about it. Tom Tom Brennan, CCC-A/SLP, RHD web page web master web master

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