Re: NATO Advanced Study Institute summer 2002: Dynamics of Speech (Olivier Crouzet )

Subject: Re: NATO Advanced Study Institute summer 2002: Dynamics of Speech
From:    Olivier Crouzet  <o.crouzet(at)CNS.KEELE.AC.UK>
Date:    Thu, 18 Oct 2001 09:57:57 +0300

Dear list members and Dear Pr. Divenyi, could you please provide universally readable documents (ascii text is perfect, pdf may be acceptable) rather than proprietary binary documents on a mailing list. May I draw to your attention that sending binary documents on a mailing list should be highly discouraged due to virus transmission and that providing a msword document prevents an important part of the audience from reading a 'perhaps' interesting information. An http address indicating where the pdf document can be reached is also a good way to transmit information. Not mentioning that my msword2html converter is unable to convert this one (probably the latest MS word version :-) Yours sincerely. Olivier Crouzet. On Wed, 17 Oct 2001 12:29:30 -0700, Pierre Divenyi wrote: > Please distribute the enclosed advertisement among your colleagues, > students, and postdocs. > Thank you, > > Pierre Divenyi > for the Organizing Committee > > **************************************************************************** > Pierre Divenyi, Ph.D. Speech and Hearing Research (151) > V.A. Medical Center, Martinez, CA > 94553, USA > Phone: (925) 370-6745 > Fax: (925) 228-5738 > E-mail : pdivenyi(at) > **************************************************************************** -- *************************************************************** Olivier Crouzet Human and Machine Perception Research Centre MacKay Institute of Communication and Neuroscience Department of Life Sciences Keele University Keele ST5 5BG United Kingdom phone: (+44) 1782 - 58 34 85 fax: (+44) 1782 - 58 30 55 e-mail: o.crouzet(at) *****************************************************************

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