Political debate (Al Bregman )

Subject: Political debate
From:    Al Bregman  <al.bregman(at)MCGILL.CA>
Date:    Tue, 18 Sep 2001 15:48:06 -0400

Dear Colleagues, I think I agree with recent postings that have argued against the use of the AUDITORY list for political organizing. The names of all members and their e-mail addresses are available (I believe) on the list's web page. So concerned parties could contact their colleagues privately through individual or group mailings. The list is not moderated, so anybody can, in principle, post a message about anything, and I certainly understand the intense feelings that the New York tragedy has evoked, and the concerns about the US administration's possible response to it (I have taken some political action myself). However, given that we are not uniform in our political opinions, and the list was set up to discuss the perception of sound, my feeling is that this topic, and certain related professional issues, such as ads for jobs in this area, should remain the topic of discussion. Best wishes to all, Al ------------------------------------------------- Albert S. Bregman, Emeritus Professor Dept of Psychology, McGill University 1205 Docteur Penfield Avenue Montreal, QC, Canada H3A 1B1 Office: Phone: +1 (514) 398-6103 Fax: +1 (514) 398-4896 Home phone & Fax: +1 (514) 484-2592 Email: al.bregman(at)mcgill.ca -------------------------------------------------

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