Workshop on Sound Perception and Modelling (Davide Rocchesso )

Subject: Workshop on Sound Perception and Modelling
From:    Davide Rocchesso  <rocchesso(at)>
Date:    Mon, 2 Jul 2001 16:19:01 +0200

-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Workshop on Sound Perception and Modelling Espoo, Finland - August, 2 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The European IST Project "the Sounding Object", in the framework of the IST-FET Proactive Initiative on "the Disappearing Computer" organises a one-day workshop on Sound Perception and Modelling. The workshop is a satellite event of the International Conference on Auditory Display. The workshop focuses on the methods and findings of experimental psychology and tries to steer the attention of researchers toward model-based experimentation. Participation is free. Preliminary Programme: R. Bresin et al (KTH - SOb project): Espressivity in sound and music M. Fernström et al (University of Limerick - SOb project): Perceptual effectiveness of auditory icons D. Rocchesso et al (University of Verona - SOb project): Relevant perceptual dimensions of resonators M. Grassi et al (University of Udine - SOb project): Phenomenology of sound events C. Muller - Tomfelde (GMD - Ambient Agoras project): Sound-augmented multimodal interfaces S. Lakatos (Washington State University): Mental representation of auditory sources P. Cook (University of Princeton): Statistical physical models, analysis and synthesis D. Van Valkenburg and M. Kubovy (University of Virginia): Auditory Vs. Visual objects G. Jansson (University of Uppsala): Multi- and Unimodal perception of liquid put in motion H. Järveläinen (HUT - Helsinki): Perceptual features of musical sounds ------------------------------------------------------------------- The Sounding Object ( The Disappearing Computer ( The International Conference on Auditory Display ( -------------------------------------------------------------------

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