Re: Outer ear transfer function measured with headphones. (Bradley Wood Libbey )

Subject: Re: Outer ear transfer function measured with headphones.
From:    Bradley Wood Libbey  <gt1556a(at)PRISM.GATECH.EDU>
Date:    Wed, 13 Jun 2001 16:25:36 -0400

Enrique, I don't know of a specific reference for the actual transfer function. It seems that a headphone impulse response is a function of the listener, the headphones, and the position of the headphones. By position I mean that if the headphones are taken off and reinstalled in apparently the same position that the response will change, I found this from experience and from Kulkarni's work. I calibrated headphones on an acoustic head for my research. To get at the impulse response I used a brief swept sine input, measured the output and then determined the impulse response through a least squares time domain solution, I believe Kulkarni used a frequency domain solution. Hope this helps, Brad Libbey Kulkarni, Abhijit, H. Steven Colburn. "Variability in the characterization of the headphone transfer-function." J. Acoust. Soc. Am., vol. 107 (2), pp.1071-1074, February 2000. Russotti, J. S., T. P. Santoro, and G. B. Haskell. (1988). "Proposed Technique for Earphone Calibration." J. Audio Eng. Soc., 36: 643-650. On Wed, 13 Jun 2001, Enrique A. Lopez-Poveda wrote: > Dear list, > > I am looking for a reference that provides the acoustic transfer function > of the pinna measured through headphones. That is the response at the > eardrum of an ideal click delivered through headphones. In particular, I > am interested in the response with Sony MDR-V6 headset. Can point me > to (or better provide) any useful reference? > > Thank you very much in anticipation. > > - Enrique > > > -- > Dr. Enrique A. Lopez-Poveda > Facultad de Medicina Tel. +34-967599200 ext.2749 > Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha Fax. +34-967599270 / 72 / 04 > Campus Universitario > 02071 Albacete -- Spain >

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