Subject: Pre- and postdoctoral positions available From: Keith Kluender <krkluend(at)FACSTAFF.WISC.EDU> Date: Fri, 25 May 2001 08:41:29 -0500Predoctoral and postdoctoral positions will be available in the Wisconsin Speech Perception Laboratory at the University of Wisconsin -- Madison beginning this summer or in fall.Two central goals of our work are to understand how speech and other complex sounds are represented in the auditory system, and how experience shapes the way perception is organized. We use multiple methods towards these ends including performance of human and animal subjects in a broad array of tasks. We also conduct computational simulations of hearing and learning, and use neurophysiological recordings in collaborative efforts to reveal auditory encoding. In addition to basic research projects, we are doing some applied work relating to computer speech recognition and hearing aid design. The University of Wisconsin has many outstanding auditory and language researchers providing a particularly rich environment for intellectual and scientific development. In addition to bringing high degrees of inquisitiveness and energy to the laboratory, suitable applicants should have good quantitative and signal processing skills. Experience with Matlab is especially helpful. For more information, please contact Keith R. Kluender at krkluend(at)