Re: Why the music is music and the noise is noise? ("James W. Beauchamp" )

Subject: Re: Why the music is music and the noise is noise?
From:    "James W. Beauchamp"  <j-beauch(at)UX1.CSO.UIUC.EDU>
Date:    Mon, 23 Apr 2001 22:36:29 -0500

A simplistic answer to the original question is to take two sound signals, one considered "noise" (e.g., "white noise") and one considered to be "music" (e.g., "Beetoven's Fifth Symphony") and connect them to two inputs on a mixer. Then start with one fader full on and the other completely off. Gradually lower the first fader while increasing the second until the first one is completely off and the second is completely on. This will handle the assignment in the majority of cases. Of course, there are more sophisticated ways to do it using FFT's. Jim

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