MERL audio reseaarch internships ("Michael A. Casey" )

Subject: MERL audio reseaarch internships
From:    "Michael A. Casey"  <mkc(at)MERL.COM>
Date:    Thu, 5 Apr 2001 13:54:41 -0400

MERL (Mitsubishi Electric Research Labs) Cambridge, Massachusetts, has two internships available in audio research. MERL hosts 30+ interns to work alongside its 30 researchers during the summer months each year. This successful program has created many ongoing collaborations between industry and academia. Two interns will work closely with Michael Casey on advanced audio research and applications. Masters and Ph.D. level students sought. The field of investigation will be statistical methods for audio, speech and music. Experience in signal processing, matrix techniques and pattern recognition is desirable. Matlab, C/C++ essential. Application areas include source separation, audio/video multi-modal analysis. Music genre classification, sound recognition for large databases and audio data mining. Send e-mail to casey(at) with resume and cover letter by April 15th. MERL is an equal opportunity employer. Competitive salary commensurate upon education and experience. Flexible start date between 04/01 and 06/01, end date 08/01 to 09/01. Sincerely, Michael Casey (casey(at) MERL 201 broadway 8th Floor Cambridge, MA 02139 617.621.7535

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