New progress report from Phonetics & Linguistics, UCL (Stuart Rosen )

Subject: New progress report from Phonetics & Linguistics, UCL
From:    Stuart Rosen  <stuart(at)PHONETICS.UCL.AC.UK>
Date:    Tue, 6 Mar 2001 14:01:59 -0000

The latest version of Speech Hearing and Language, a progress report from the Department of Phonetics & Linguistics, UCL, is now online at:0 As with last year's edition it has online abstracts and downloadable versions of the whole papers in the Adobe Acrobat portable document files format. (Compatible with Acrobat Reader v3.0 and above). ----------------- TABLE OF CONTENTS ----------------- Simulation of the effects of cochlear implant electrode insertion depth for tonotopically-mapped speech processors Andrew FAULKNER, Stuart ROSEN and Deborah STANTON pages 1-15 Peak F0 downtrends in Central Catalan neutral declaratives Eva ESTEBAS-VILAPLANA pages 16-41 Automatic cue-enhancement of natural speech for improved intelligibility Marta ORTEGA, Valerie HAZAN and Mark HUCKVALE pages 42-56 No right ear advantage in gap detection Richard J. BAKER, Stuart ROSEN and Azahara GODRICH pages 57-69 Construction of a rotary vibrator and its application in human tactile communication Abbas HAYDARI and Stuart ROSEN pages 70-75 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Stuart Rosen, Ph.D. Professor of Speech and Hearing Science Dept. of Phonetics & Linguistics University College London 4 Stephenson Way London NW1 2HE England Tel. (44 20) 7679 7404 Fax. (44 20) 7383 0752

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