Re: Information loss (Re: Analytical approach to temporal (Ramdas Kumaresan )

Subject: Re: Information loss (Re: Analytical approach to temporal
From:    Ramdas Kumaresan  <kumar(at)ELE.URI.EDU>
Date:    Sat, 24 Feb 2001 10:23:52 -0500

(I tried posting this before, but somehow it did not get posted) Dan Ellis, John Hershey and others, Clearly the signal representation at the periphery can not afford to throw away too much information or must retain as much info as possible. Any throwing away has to be done at higher stages. We have just proposed an analog to time converter. This type of conversion at the periphery is deemed necessary because the higher nuclei seem to depend on spike rate/coincidence detection (i.e. 'time' processing) to further refine the representation. We agree with John Hershey that an analysis of how the original signal is altered if the temporal code is perturbed needs to be done. But the preliminary evidence is that it is quite stable, unlike the traditional zero-crossing representations. Ramdas Kumaresan

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Electrical Engineering Dept., Columbia University