19. Danavox Symposium (Torben Poulsen )

Subject: 19. Danavox Symposium
From:    Torben Poulsen  <tp(at)DAT.DTU.DK>
Date:    Fri, 23 Feb 2001 18:17:01 +0100

The 19th Danavox symposium 'Genetics and the function of the auditory system' will take place 21-24 August 2001 at Hotel Scanticon, Kolding, Denmark For more inforation see: http://www.biologi.sdu.dk/danavox/symposium.htm -------------------------------- Torben Poulsen =D8rsted=95DTU, Acoustic Technology Building 352, Technical University DK-2800 Lyngby, Denmark Telephone: +45 4525 3940, Fax: +45 4588 0577 Email: tp(at)oersted.dtu.dk Web: www.oersted.dtu.dk or www.dat.dtu.dk

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