Subject: speech intelligibility in noise From: Ken Grant <grant(at)TIDALWAVE.NET> Date: Wed, 5 Apr 2000 16:34:27 -0400Sorry for this (maybe obvious) request. Does anyone know a good reference (with data) for speech intelligibility scores at different s/n (more than 2) by hearing-impaired listeners. Most studies of HI listeners present speech materials at one or two s/n levels (and usually at different presentation levels). Clearly, since HI listeners have a range of losses it is difficult to discuss average intelligibility scores for a fixed presentation and s/n condition. Nevertheless, I would like to find data showing s/n versus intelligibility (preferably nonsense syllables or isolated words) for a group or HI listeners. Thanks in advance. -- Ken W. Grant Walter Reed Army Medical Center Army Audiology and Speech Center Washington, DC 20307-5001 PHONE: (202) 782-8596 FAX: (202) 782-9228 EMAIL: grant(at)