James Oliverio: ICAD 2000 Registration (Dan Ellis )

Subject: James Oliverio: ICAD 2000 Registration
From:    Dan Ellis  <dpwe(at)ICSI.BERKELEY.EDU>
Date:    Wed, 22 Mar 2000 08:28:51 PST

Dear List - I was sent the enclosed announcement to forward to the list. DAn. ------- Forwarded Message Date: Wed, 22 Mar 2000 10:47:08 -0500 Subject: ICAD 2000 Registration From: "James Oliverio" <james.oliverio(at)ARCH.GATECH.EDU> Can you please forward this message to the AUDITORY list re: ICAD 2000. THANKS very much! James Oliverio ICAD Conference Chair ************************ FINAL REMINDER - ICAD 2000 http://www.icad.org The International Conference for Auditory Display In Atlanta at the Georgia Institute of Technology's new GCATT Building (Georgia Center for Advanced Telecommunications Technology) April 2 - 5, 2000 Early Registration Discount in effect until March 25, 2000 Keynote Speakers: R. Murray Schafer - Founder of the World Soundscape Project and Author of "The Tuning of the World" Pauline Oliveros - Composer, Innovator, Performer and Founder of "DEEP LISTENING" For more information, listing of papers, sessions and registration data, please visit: http://www.icad.org ------- End of Forwarded Message

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DAn Ellis <dpwe@ee.columbia.edu>
Electrical Engineering Dept., Columbia University