Re: Filter PET scanner noise (fwd) (Tom Brennan )

Subject: Re: Filter PET scanner noise (fwd)
From:    Tom Brennan  <g_brennantg(at)TITAN.SFASU.EDU>
Date:    Wed, 22 Nov 2000 02:08:57 -0600

I had intended to send the message below to the list and see that I didn't get it there. I'd be interested in feedback from the group as I am also doing some high noise work. Tom Tom Brennan, CCC-A/SLP, RHD web page web master web master ---------- Forwarded message ---------- Date: Tue, 21 Nov 2000 16:36:46 -0600 (CST) From: Tom Brennan <g_brennantg(at)TITAN.SFASU.EDU> To: Fatima Husain <fhusain(at)CNS.BU.EDU> Cc: g_brennantg <g_brennantg(at)TITAN.SFASU.EDU> Subject: Re: Filter PET scanner noise You might try a throat mic although speech quality will be somewhat compromised. I have used bone conduction mics but have been dissatisfied with the quality of reproduction with them. One other thing you might try is to use either computer averaging or a dsp technique to filter out the scanner noise. However, this will be difficult to do since the scanner is so loud. One other thing that might be tried is the use of a steno microphone such as court recorders use. I've used them in classrooms and they do cut out a good deal of outside noise. Tom Tom Brennan, CCC-A/SLP, RHD web page web master web master

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