Subject: From: <> Date:BAD MSG: you might check Edward Carterette's work. He did a lot of research on sychophysical scaling of consonance, dissonance, etc. **** Regards Matthew Royal --=====================_972065554==_ Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="Chords.txt" Acker, Barbara E; Pastore, Richard E; Hall, Michael D. Within-category discrimination of musical chords: Perceptual magnet or anchor? Perception & Psychophysics. Vol 57(6), Aug 1995, 863-874. Beal, A. Lynne. The skill of recognizing musical structures. Memory & Cognition. Vol 13(5), Sep 1985, 405-412. Crowder, Robert G; Reznick, J. Steven; Rosenkrantz, Stacey L. Perception of the major/minor distinction: V. Preferences among infants. Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society. Vol 29(3), May 1991, 187-188. Gibson, Don. The effects of pitch and pitch-class content on the aural perception of dissimilarity in complementary hexachords. Psychomusicology. Vol 12(1), Spr 1993, 58-72. Gibson, Don B. Jr. The aural perception of similarity in nontraditional chords related by octave equivalence. Journal of Research in Music Education. Vol 36(1), Spr 1998, 5-17. Hubbard, Timothy L. Listeners can discriminate among major chord positions. Perceptual & Motor Skills. Vol 87(3, Pt 1), Dec 1998, 891-897. Roberts, Linda A; Shaw, Marilyn L. Perceived structure of triads. Music Perception. Vol 2(1), Fal 1984, 95-124. --=====================_972065554==_ Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Dr. Matthew Royal Adjunct Assistant Professor Dept. of Theory and Composition Faculty of Music University of Western Ontario London, Ontario Canada N6A 3K7 Phone: (519) 661-2111 Ext. 85198 Fax: (519) 661-3531 E-mail: mroyal(at) --=====================_972065554==_--