Auditory demonstrations (Yoshitaka Nakajima )

Subject: Auditory demonstrations
From:    Yoshitaka Nakajima  <nakajima(at)KYUSHU-ID.AC.JP>
Date:    Sat, 23 Sep 2000 17:04:31 +0900

Dear Colleagues, Although it may not be so impressive to add another tiny piece to this almost finished discussion, I would like to make one point clear looking back some history. The visual demonstrations in Koffka's (1935) "Principles of Gestalt Psychology" helped many researchers and students to realize the importance of the new way of thinking developed by a few German psychologists. However, the technical limitation of that time prohibited him and his colleagues from utilizing auditory demonstrations effectively. Neither Stevens and Davis (1938) nor Seashore (1938) showed any interest in Gestalt psychology. This limited the scope of auditory psychology for a while. Plomp (1976) may have been one of the first leading researchers who pointed out this problem, but he did that in the last page of his famous book. Still, many researchers and students in the field of visual perception and cognition seem to think that auditory psychology may be rigorous but a little bit dull. I would like each of my colleagues to persuade them that our community has as intriguing materials as they have. For this purpose, it seems important to make auditory demonstrations as easily available as visual demonstrations. This was my point. Yoshitaka Nakajima Department of Acoustic Design Kyushu Institute of Design

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