audio demos in web-pages (Vincent RIOUX )

Subject: audio demos in web-pages
From:    Vincent RIOUX  <vr(at)TA.CHALMERS.SE>
Date:    Wed, 20 Sep 2000 16:29:57 +0200

Dear list, For those who might wonder how to organize sound files on a web-page together with complementary information (such as spectrograms and verbal comments) interactively, I tried such a thing and put it at this link: and then chose "Audio Illustrations and Analyses" heading This page was done in order to complement some articles concerning the perception and analysis of musical sounds, (in this case flue organ pipe sounds being "voiced") which differ by small amounts. The idea being to design a user interface which helps focusing on certain aspects of complex "natural" sounds... I am looking forward for feedback... best regards vincent Rioux -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------- Vincent RIOUX (PhD student in Musical Acoustics) Dept of Applied Acoustics 8a sven Hultinsgatan Chalmers University of Technology SE-412 96 Gothenburg SWEDEN e-mail : vr(at) phone: +46 (0) 31 772 22 17 fax of the dept: +46 (0) 31 772 22 12 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------

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