Loudness calculation (Torben Poulsen )

Subject: Loudness calculation
From:    Torben Poulsen  <tp(at)DAT.DTU.DK>
Date:    Tue, 5 Sep 2000 16:05:57 +0200

Brian Moore wrote: > The model published as: >=20 > Moore, B. C. J., Glasberg, B. R., and Baer, T. (1997). "A model for = the > prediction of thresholds, loudness and partial loudness," J. Audio = Eng. > Soc. 45, 224-240. >=20 > gives the loudness of a 70 dB 1000 Hz tone (binaural, frontal = incidence in > free field) as 8.1 sones, 70 phons. >=20 I have found the explanation for the difference in the results.=20 1. I used an early version 1.0 from 1994 (not version 4.0, from = http://hearing.psychol.cam.ac.uk/Demos/demos.html ) 2. I used as input to the program the '1/3 Octaves' option instead of = 'Complex Tone'. (The 1/3-octave option was chosen in order to make the = input similar to the ISO/DIN method with 70 dB SPL in the 1kHz = one-third octave.) If I use LOUDAES.EXE with free field, frontal, binaural, complex tone, = inharmonic, one component, 1000 Hz at 70 dB - I get exactly the result = referenced above. Thanks, Brian and Michael, for reminding me of this important input = difference. Regards Torben -------------------------- Torben Poulsen Department of Acoustic Technology Technical University of Denmark DK-2800 Lyngby, Denmark Phone +45 4525 3940 (office), +45 4525 3930 (department) Fax +45 4588 0577 mobile +45 2326 0420 e-mail: tp(at)dat.dtu.dk Web: www.dat.dtu.dk/~tp/

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