Subject: Program for auditory stimulus delivery under windows -- please From: "David L. Woods" <dlwoods(at)UCDAVIS.EDU> Date: Thu, 17 Aug 2000 13:30:36 -0700Auditory list members may be interested in Presentation, a Windows 95/98/2000 program that uses high-precision computer game technology for stimulus delivery and experiment control. Presentation delivers auditory stimuli with sub-ms temporal precision and can control up to four independent sounds sources depending on the soundboard. Timing parameters are verified for each stimulus and response event throughout the experiment. Presentation provides complete control of video stimuli including frame refresh. Presentation runs on standard PCs without special add-ons or additional hardware requirements. It is capable of monitoring responses from joystick, mouse, keyboard, voice relay or special responses boxes. Presentation can send other experimental devices serial and/or parallel control pulses. It incorporates special enhancements for neurophysiological experiments using fMRI, evoked potentials, or single unit recordings. A free self-installing version of Presentation (functional until November 2001) is available at David L. Woods, Professor of Neurology, Dept. of Neurology,UC Davis, Chief, Clinical Neurophysiology and Chief, Research fMRI imaging, Neurology Service (127E), VA-NCHCS, 150 Muir Rd., Martinez, CA 94553 Tel (925) 372-2571, Fax (925) 229-2315 Email:dlwoods(at) Publications: