Re: autocorrelation (Laurent Demany )

Subject: Re: autocorrelation
From:    Laurent Demany  <Laurent.Demany(at)PSYAC.U-BORDEAUX2.FR>
Date:    Fri, 21 Jul 2000 19:14:51 +0200

Jont Allent wrote: >I am probably sticking my neck out here and showing my ignorance >about your experiment, but did you actually look at your click trains >with a filter? Yes: our stimuli were applied into Roy Patterson's auditory nerve model (in 1996, with the help of Roy and Christian Lorenzi). In short, the conclusion was that the summary autocorrelograms (computed as suggested by Meddis & Hewitt, 1991) were quite similar to the autocorrelation functions of the original stimuli. Note for Peter Cariani: In these simulations, the click trains were NOT mixed with low-pass noise... Laurent

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