Re: autocorrelation (Laurent Demany )

Subject: Re: autocorrelation
From:    Laurent Demany  <Laurent.Demany(at)PSYAC.U-BORDEAUX2.FR>
Date:    Fri, 21 Jul 2000 17:00:14 +0200

Peter Cariani wrote: >I just made some isochronous click trains from harmonics of 100, >both 3000-10000 and 5000-10000, and added the click trains to themselves, >offset with a delay that ranged from 1-5 msec. (For example A = 1 msec, B = 9msec). >101000000101000000101000000 >The 1 msec offset hardly masks the pitch at all, while there >is a little masking by the time one gets to 3 and 4 msec, but not enough >to obliterate the low pitch. None of these offsets changes the pitch. >Now, if one assumed 1 spike per click, and a first-order interval >representation, then the pitch should change and the 100 Hz pitch should be >masked out (but it doesn't and isn't). >What would be your interpretation of this? I guess that a significant part of the Auditory list is now tired of this debate, but let me nonetheless come to the rescue of Christian (briefly): Peter, the observation you report is not consistent with observations described in the last paragraph of K&D's General Discussion. The discrepancy can be explained by supposing that your filtered click trains were not mixed with low-pass noise, which gave rise to spectral artifacts (audible combination tones at low frequencies). Laurent

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