Re: Autocorrelation (Christian Kaernbach )

Subject: Re: Autocorrelation
From:    Christian Kaernbach  <chris(at)PSYCHOLOGIE.UNI-LEIPZIG.DE>
Date:    Wed, 19 Jul 2000 11:48:58 +0200

Dear Bob, > One thing which struck me is that even the random pulse trains seem to > have a (weak) pitch. This is undoubtedly so. We measured the equivalent pitches for quite a range of random click trains (always high-pass filtered and low-pass masked). They are often ambigous, but there is a tendency to have a dominate percept corresponding to the longest first-order interval, i.e. a kind of edge pitch (if there is an edge). So if, for instance, the intervals are random and uniformingly distributed from 0 to 10 ms, this would elicit the same "100 Hz" pitch as if the distribution was from 5 to 10 ms. If the band gets closer, however, an average seems to play a role (8-10 ms sounds more like 9 ms). > Indeed, one can successively reduce the pitch of a bandpass filtered > pulse train (whose harmonics are unresolved by the peripheral auditory > system) by deleting a greater and greater proportion of those pulses > (with the deleted pulses being selected at random) Was the original pulse train a random one? - Christian

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