Research Opportunity (Phil Green )

Subject: Research Opportunity
From:    Phil Green  <>
Date:    Mon, 10 Jul 2000 14:03:05 +0100

University of Sheffield Department of Computer Science Research Associate in Speech and Hearing: STARDUST Project STARDUST (Speech Training And Recognition for Dysarthric USer-controlled=20 assistive Technology) is funded by the UK National Health Service NEAT prog= ramme=20 (New and Emerging Applications of Technology). It is scheduled to start in= =20 September 2000. Dysarthria is a common speech disorder which, in its severest form, results= in=20 unintelligible speech. STARDUST will build automatic speech recognition=20 applications for dysarthric speakers: a training tool will provide real-tim= e=20 audio-visual feedback enabling clients to improve the consistency of their= =20 vocalisations, the data thus collected will be used to train or adapt=20 speaker-dependent recognisers and the application will then be deployed to= =20 control electronic assistive technology.=20 The RA will be responsible for research into and development of the trainin= g and=20 recognition software. STARDUST will also employ a Speech Therapist and a=20 Clinical Engineer. These posts are advertised separately. The appointment may be at postgraduate or postdoctoral level. A postgraduat= e=20 appointee will have the opportunity to study for a Ph.D. =20 Salary: =A316,286 - =A324,279 pa.=20 Closing date: 27 July 2000. For details of this post,=20 email: jobs(at) or tel: 0114 222 1631 (24 hr)=20 Please quote the post reference R2072 in all enquiries. Vacancy Website: Informal enquiries to =20 ********************************* Professor Phil Green Speech and Hearing Research Group Department of Computer Science University of Sheffield Regent Court 211 Portobello St., Sheffield S1 4DP UK phone: (44) 114 22 21828 fax: (44) 114 22 21810 email: www: ***********************************************

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