Subject: Re: Cochlear travelling wave. An epiphenomenon? From: Andrew Bell <bellring(at)SMARTCHAT.NET.AU> Date: Fri, 30 Jun 2000 21:44:23 +1000Dear Jont and List: Thankyou for your detailed comments and the included references. I will make a point of revisiting them. >I suggest you submit your paper to JASA, and get it published. Then lets >talk about it. Your airing your untested concepts on a large number of >people, and it needs some quiet private time, not a public discussion. Thankyou for recommending an appropriate journal; I will take up your suggestion. As for posting ideas to the list, my understanding is that part of the list's function is to discuss and clarify new concepts. My ideas have in fact been quietly developed over many years. The paper on the web is a refinement of several earlier versions, and in an effort to be brief has been pruned of extra supporting material. However, thanks to feedback from members of this list I now can see that I would do well to include a clear exposition of where the theory differs from conventional TW assumptions. Andrew Bell.