Subject: ICAD2001 - CFP From: Tapio Lokki <ktlokki(at)CC.HUT.FI> Date: Mon, 26 Jun 2000 17:32:33 +0300[Our apologies if you receive multiple copies of this CfP.] CALL FOR PAPERS ICAD 2001 The Seventh International Conference on Auditory Display Helsinki University of Technology, Espoo, Finland 29th of July - 1st of August 2001 Conference website: (Primary information source) ICAD website: E-mail: icad2001(at) ICAD 2001 will be held 29th of July-1st of August 2001 at Helsinki University of Technology. ICAD is a forum for presenting research on the use of sound to display data, monitor systems, and provide enhanced user interfaces for computers and virtual reality systems. It is unique in its singular focus on auditory displays, and the array of perception, technology, design and application areas that these encompass. Like its predecessors, ICAD 2001 will be a single-track conference. Attendance is open to all, with no membership or affiliation requirements. PAPER/POSTER PRESENTATIONS There are two categories for papers: long papers of 10 pages and 30 minutes presentation time, and short papers of 6 pages and 20 minutes. Accepted posters will have 6 pages in the proceedings. Submissions should consist of a 2-3 pages extended abstract for short pap= ers and posters and 4-5 pages extended abstract for long papers. Since audio demonstrations are an essential part of ICAD, the abstract should include a description of the prospective audio demonstrations. The templates for submissions will be available at the conference website by November 2000. Papers are sought covering all aspects of auditory display. Work in progress papers are also acceptable. Example topics include, but are not limited to: - sonification - 3D/immersive sound - perceptual aspects of 3D sound - psychoacoustics and perception - auditory displays in games and entertainment - auditory displays in PDA's, wearable computing and embedded systems - sound synthesis and digital signal processing - audio in assistive technologies - auditory icons and earcons The papers from this conference will be published in a proceedings and CD-ROM. The CD-ROM will include also sound examples. All accepted papers should be presented by an author at the conference. DEMONSTRATIONS Demo submissions will be evaluated on the basis of their innovation, relevance, scientific contribution, and potential logistic constraints. Commercial products are eligible, but sales and marketing activities are not appropriate. (NOTE: Please be prepared to provide your own equipment/computers for your demonstration, if you need special facilities. We can provide standard equipment.) IMPORTANT DATES: Extended abstract submission received by 19th of January 2001 Demo proposal received by 9th of February 2001 Notification of review decisions 9th of March 2001 Camera-ready copy received by 11th of May 2001 ICAD 2001 29th of July - 1st of August 20= 01 Submissions will be thoroughly reviewed by an international committee. Registration information will be available later on the conference web pages and in the call for participation. OPEN MIC SESSIONS Like previous ICAD's, ICAD 2001 will also include at least one open mic session for impromptu presentations on some latest project that you've just started, a crazy idea that you'd like to share, or some amazing auditory experience that you'd like to relate. ORGANIZING COMMITTEE Chair: Matti Gr=F6hn, Helsinki University of Technology Secretary: Tapio Lokki, Helsinki University of Technology Paper Chairman: prof. Tapio Takala, Helsinki University of Technology Juha Backman, Nokia Mobile Phones Jarmo Hiipakka, Helsinki University of Technology Dr. Jyri Huopaniemi, Nokia Research Center Prof. Hannu Kari, Helsinki University of Technology Ville Pulkki, Helsinki University of Technology Dr. Lauri Savioja, Helsinki University of Technology Dr. Vesa V=E4lim=E4ki, Helsinki University of Technology Nick Zacharov, Nokia Research Center