Subject: Call for participation (reminder) From: "Lola L. Cuddy" <cuddyl(at)PSYC.QUEENSU.CA> Date: Tue, 4 Jan 2000 12:51:52 -0500Call for Participation (Reminder) The Society for Music Perception and Cognition (SMPC) invites you to submit an abstract for Toronto2000, a joint meeting of 15 music societies including American Musicological Society, Association for Technology in Music Instruction, College Music Society, International Association for the Study of Popular Music, Society for Ethnomusicology, and Society for Music Theory. The meeting will be held November 1-5, 2000, in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. SMPC has been allotted the days of November 3-5 for paper and poster presentations. Details of the call for papers and instructions for the submission of abstracts can be found on the society's web site or link to SMPC from the conference web site for Toronto2000: Musical Intersections Abstracts are due February 1, 2000. Lola L. Cuddy Program Chair, SMPC2000 Lola L. Cuddy Professor Department of Psychology Queen's University Kingston, Ontario K7L 3N6 Canada Phone: 613-533-6013 Fax: 613-533-2499 E-mail: cuddyl(at)