Subject: Spectral first moment From: Pierre Divenyi <pdivenyi(at)MARVA4.NCSC.MED.VA.GOV> Date: Wed, 14 Jun 2000 11:42:53 -0700>> (Divenyi:) A psychophysicist would be extremely >> indebted to anyone coming out with a scale along which delta-first moments, >> or cepstral coefficients of a certain order, would be equally (or at least >> comparably) discriminable. >(McAdams:) Ah but then we open up the can of worms about relations between >Fechnerian, Stevensian (and perhaps any number of other) scales!! Why >doesn't a scale derived from frequency jnds look like a mel scale and >neither look like the musical pitch scale? A good point!... Pierre Divenyi **************************************************************************** Pierre Divenyi, Ph.D. Experimental Audiology Research (151) V.A. Medical Center, Martinez, CA 94553, USA Phone: (925) 370-6745 Fax: (925) 228-5738 E-mail : pdivenyi(at) ****************************************************************************