Frame rate for auditory models (Christian Spevak )

Subject: Frame rate for auditory models
From:    Christian Spevak  <christian(at)SPEVAK.DE>
Date:    Fri, 9 Jun 2000 12:29:17 +0100

Dear list, I am using auditory models as a pre-processing stage for self-organizing timbre maps. Because I am dealing with non-stationary sounds (evolutions of timbre and/or pitch), I have to devide the sound signal into short frames. The auditory models, however, give an output signal for each input sample, corresponding to the probability of auditory nerve responses in the particular frequency band. What would be an appropriate value for a frame rate concerning the perception of timbre (20~25 Hz?), and how can I achieve the recuction from 22 or 44 kHz without losing crucial information (windowing/averaging?) ? Thanks in advance for any suggestions, Christian --- Christian Spevak University of Hertfordshire, UK Music Department christian(at)

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