Re: Operational Definition of Musician (Bret Aarden )

Subject: Re: Operational Definition of Musician
From:    Bret Aarden  <aarden.1(at)OSU.EDU>
Date:    Mon, 5 Jun 2000 17:06:35 -0400

William, It probably depends on what sort of musical skill you're interested in. One telling piece of research presented last year by van Egmond & Boswijk showed that ability to identify the tonic of a brief harmonic or melodic excerpt was independent of years of musical training. This question probably has a lot of depth left to explore. -Bret Aarden. van Egmond, R., & M. Boswijk. 1999. Tonality perception in musical excerpts and chords. Conference paper, _Society for Music Perception and Cognition_: Chicago, IL. >Dear Group, > >Though I follow the discussion of this list regularly, I have yet to make a >contribution and was not terrible sure how one does. >Thus, I send my apologies in advance if I have failed to submit this >question correctly: > >Does anyone know of an established criteria by which a researcher can >separate a collection of subjects into groups of musicians and >non-musicians? > > >Sincerely, > >William Cooper >University of Texas at Dallas > >email: <mailto:wcooper(at)>wcooper(at) __________________________________________________________________________ Bret Aarden 2590 Neil Ave #C, Columbus, OH 43202 Home: 614/270-2502 Graduate Student, School of Music, Ohio State University, Columbus, OH Cognitive and Systematic Musicology Laboratory Lab: 614/292-7321 __________________________________________________________________________

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